SCROTUS 99 to 1, earth loses
The ONLY good news from June 30, 2022
Now the REALLY bad SCROTUS stuff.
Before Justice Brown took her oath, the court also signaled the end of the federal government as we know it.
In the past, the Supreme Court has operated on the basis of “stare decisis,” which literally means “to stand by things decided.” The purpose of that principle is to make changes incrementally so the law stays consistent and evenly applied, which promotes social stability. On occasion, the court does break precedent, notably in 1954 with the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka decision, which overturned the 1896 Plessy v. Ferguson decision that rubber stamped racial segregation. When that sort of a major change happens, both the court and elected officials work hard to explain that they are changing the law to make it more in line with our Constitution, and to move people along with that change.
Then they killed the planet...really.
Guns and prayer and abortion got most of the attention. But that's not all the Court did.
Here are just some of the Court's bad decisions:
(list from twitter thread courtesy of Jason P. Steed)
Rivas-Villegas -- SCOTUS reversed the lower court to give a cop qualified immunity for using excessive force
Tahlequah v. Bond -- SCOTUS reversed the lower court to give a cop qualified immunity for killing a man
Shoop v. Twyford -- SCOTUS made it harder to get habeas relief
Brown v. Davenport -- SCOTUS made it harder to get habeas relief
Shinn v. Ramirez -- SCOTUS made it harder to get habeas relief
Zubaydah -- SCOTUS allowed the Govt to withhold information about torture on CIA black sites
Vaello-Madero -- SCOTUS denied SS benefits to residents of Puerto Rico
Cummings -- SCOTUS disallowed recovery for emotional-distress damages in civil rights lawsuits
Patel -- SCOTUS stripped federal courts of jurisdiction to review fact issues in immigration proceedings
Biden v. Missouri -- SCOTUS blocked a federal vaccine mandate
Garland v. Gonzalez -- SCOTUS denied long-detained immigrants' access to a bond hearing
Johnson v. Arteaga-Martinez -- SCOTUS denied long-detained immigrants' access to a bond hearing
FEC v. Ted Cruz -- SCOTUS struck down campaign finance restrictions to enable Ted Cruz to pay himself back for loans he made to his own campaign
Egbert v. Boule -- SCOTUS further limited a person's ability to sue federal officers (Bivens actions)
Vega v. Tekah -- SCOTUS weakened enforcement of Miranda rights
Carson v. Makin -- SCOTUS undermined the Establishment Clause, forcing states to fund private religious schools
Kennedy v. Bremerton Sch. Dist. -- SCOTUS undermined the Establishment Clause, allowing football coach to have public/publicized Christian prayers at football games
Denezpi -- SCOTUS recognized tribal sovereignty just enough to allow an Indian defendant to be prosecuted twice for the same crime (no double jeopardy), then…
Castro-Huerta -- SCOTUS undermined tribal sovereignty by making tribal land "part of state" and allowing state to exercise jurisdiction on tribal land
Bruen -- SCOTUS struck down NY's 100yo restriction on concealed carry to expand 2A and limit gun restrictions
U.S. v. Texas -- SCOTUS allowed Texas's "bounty hunter" antiabortion law to go into effect
Dobbs -- SCOTUS overruled Roe & Casey, eliminating the federal right to abortion and enabling severe (life-threatening) restrictions on abortion to go into effect 23/25
West Virginia v. EPA -- SCOTUS undermined the EPA's ability to regulate emissions and fight global warming
"And it must be noted that this isn't everything. SCOTUS also did things on the shadow docket -- like allow Louisiana's racial gerrymander to stay in effect for the 2022 election, etc. Just a terrible, terrible, terrible term."
DPIC Analysis — Intellectually Disabled Defendants of Color, Foreign Nationals Disproportionately Subject to the Death Penalty
Justice Sotomayor was PISSED.
She's got the RECEIPTS.
By Kathryn Rubino onJune 28, 2022 at 2:14 PM
Listen Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, and Stephen Breyer (soon to be Ketanji Brown Jackson) are in an unenviable position. They have to go to work every day with six assholes hellbent on remaking the country to their liking. And they aren’t even good at it.
Then Clarence Thomas went full Q-anon.
In his dissent, Thomas claims that COVID vaccines were developed with the use of "aborted children."...See below.
Lest we forget last Friday, 1 week ago, this happened.
Next Term:
From March:
And it looks like the case will be heard in October.
Put another way:
Let's end with a beloved white guy:
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." -JFK
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