coFLOWco dot com Blog
Collective Updates, Stories, and Rants
The Beauty of The Collective: Preventing Founder Burnout.
6/7/22 Emily Weltman
Startups and solopreneurs don’t have the luxury to hire 10 people—even 1 is a stretch. BUT we can invest a little more so we don’t keep doing it all ourselves and burnout. Not sure where to start? We got you.
3/17/22 Emily Weltman
When deciding which alternative business model to choose or new tech product to use, your mission needs to be crystal clear. It's worth revisiting… or you will struggle constantly trying to “build a business for good.” Who’s good? Who does it benefit? Does it harm anyone?
3/16/22 Emily Weltman
Today’s rant is brought to you by the letter P.
P is for Pay Day. Today is “Women’s Equal Pay Day (if the data is not disaggregated by race)…It’s not, as I understood it to be, white women’s Equal Pay Day. Who is the default?
Emily Weltman 3/8/22
An #IWD2022 Message from Em. We cannot continue to take a moderate position on racism, GBV, economic inequality, or climate change. There is no middle ground with right and wrong. Women and girls (and non-binary too) are always the most impacted.
Emily Weltman 2/17/22
A recent LinkedIn post by Daniel Smith, MBA, founder of inspired me to share more of the research I do. In this article I explore Pitchbook’s list of 66 Black Founders and poke holes in the “win.”
Emily Weltman 2/4/22
Final Friday thought because I want to end on a note about Black History month. We are not doing a major campaign because we can't do everything. We would rather as a small team focus on the authentic ways we are showing up and improve them so Black people can simply be themselves.
Emily Weltman 2/3/22
A welcome message and a note. We need people. We can’t do it alone…and we need to stop trying to. Instead, we need to ask for help and trust in the power of the Collective…Before I start singing Barbra Streisand, let’s hear more about these two rad people in their own words.
Emily Weltman 12/14/21
Your work is part of your story, but it’s not the whole story. What’s memorable are the anecdotes, the small moments that make meaning. The why and who-not just facts, but findings. Discoveries over deliverables.
Emily Weltman 11/10/21
There is always a number. "What's your budget?" is not a complicated question but it brings up so many feels. Yes, I said feels because money is inextricably tied to our hearts and minds. People get funny around money and privilege plays a big role.
Emily Weltman 9/5/21 Emily Weltman 9/5/21
This Labor Day, consider who defines "normal working hours" and “professional.” Capitalism taught us all to overwork. Don't let others pressure you. Take your PTO. Be unavailable. No one can dictate what works for you. A 32-hour workweek sounds solid, but don’t subscribe to any one-size-fits-all work schedule.
Emily Weltman 8/9/21
Discrimination & harassment still run rampant in orgs touting diverse teams. The growth & hiring boom right now is mostly for white men. Pay inequity and wealth grasp are growing.
This is our WHY. When you start seeing injustice everywhere, it's like every day is a "Monday" (fighting for a world of summer Fridays).
Emily Weltman 8/7/21
I am proud to share Philanthropy Impact Magazine published my piece in their 3-part summer series. “Supporting Social Entrepreneurs Is Integral To Supporting Social Change: A U.S.Perspective” covers why it’s essential to fund MSMEs (micro, small, and medium enterprises) to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). (Re: Give more, faster.)
Here’s some extra context on the SDGs and what Philanthropy Impact won’t talk about. Please read, share, and let us know what you think!
Emily Weltman 7/1/21
Truth. America’s hidden history is hard to hear, hard to witness. For victims of colonization and racism, honestly, things are far worse. Celebrate freedom, but don’t ignore the facts.
Use the day to tell the truth. If we acknowledge that the current state of capitalism is just raping and pillaging in a suit and tie, then maybe we can move beyond a corporate culture born out of toxic masculinity, rape culture, and White Supremacy.
Emily Weltman 5/27/21
We have vaccines so technically we are in the future. But, the post-pandemic workplace emerging feels exactly the same for way too many people (toxic, stressful, unfulfilling, high rates of burnout, fake, and all about money). Why? By and large, the ones creating “The Future” are the same ones that created the past. Spoiler alert: It’s everyone’s favorite “oppressed” majority: white men.
Emily Weltman 3/8/21
…When COVID-19 hit it was like shining a magnifying glass on every single thing I had written about. And then, schools closed. I kept telling my partner, ”I am having an existential crisis.” How can I be writing about and fighting for gender equality when at home, my partner works 9-5 and I am in charge of homeschooling because he had the job with insurance?
Emily Weltman 11/20/20
I’m not breaking up with LinkedIn yet, but the spark is gone. But this post isn’t really a Dear John letter. It’s more of a Dear Dana one–in solidarity, thanks, and hope, from one writer to another.
Emily Weltman 11/4/20
This April 30th Medium Post feels as relevant as ever, post-2020 Election Day. As we wait for results remember, we have been here before. “Now, when learning about racial or gender inequality due to the pandemic, I experience many things. Shock is not one of them.”
Emily Weltman 10/30/20 Emily Weltman 10/30/20
Starting a business is like a revolution. We want to improve the lives of everyone through entrepreneurship. We want women to know their worth and speak their truth. My truth? I am a writer.
Emily Weltman 5/30/20
Updates on our progress towards becoming a radically inclusive workplace. We're on our way with new interns, new policies, business development, and journalism(?)!
Emily Weltman 2/18/20
We want to be safe at work, at home, and in our individuality. Fair pay for equal work is a minimum. We know the stats and have the tools to create more equitable, inclusive workplaces.
Emily Weltman 1/7/20
We've launched! Starting in 2019, coFLOWco takes on gender parity, racial justice, and economic small business at a time.
Last updated